■ Canadian Higher Education

Deliver a talk in front of a group of parents for Canadian higher educations

Thanks to the arrangement from one of my best friends, I was speaking in front of 15 parents whose kids are in Grade 9/10 at a K-12 IB school. These parents are busy at collecting information at this moment as they will send their kids overseas for post-secondary educations in the near future. The IB school that their kids are attending is small yet well-established in Taipei. There are 7 students being admitted by UBC this year alone.

facts and figures about international students in Canada
Why Canadian study gets traction internationally
Characters of Canadian post-secondary educations

My key points to the parents are:

  1. Plan and decision are important, but change and adjustment are inevitable. Always keep an eye on kids’ study process
  2. There are reasons for why Canadian study gets momentum internationally. Some facts, market opinions and my personal experience were shared
  3. Canadian government has a friendlier and generous immigration policy towards international students who graduate from DLI’s in Canada
  4. The job prospect is bright in North America and other places in the world when the international students graduate from Canadian universities and colleges

Canada is being ranked as the number one place in the world to study abroad in 2020 from education.com. For details and rationales please go to HERE.

Please CONTACT US if you want to learn more about higher education in Canada, or immigration pathways for yourself and your family.

Learn some basic knowledge about the Canadian immigration ecosystem by reading this article.

Unauthorized immigration representation is prohibited, know your rights and protect yourself by reading this.

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