Useful information/terminologies

Educated Entry Immigration (EE Immigration) Welcome You!

The system that the Canadian government puts into place for its flagship permanent residence programs is called Express Entry. In order for our customers easily relate us as an expert in the field of immigration consulting, we call ourselves “Educated Entry”, or EE Immigration for short.

For a foreign national, or even a Canadian citizen, to navigate through the dynamic immigration process alone is a stunning task. We understand your challenge and frustrations, we are here for you.

The immigration landscape in North America sees a dramatic change in recent years. In short, Canada keeps implementing a welcoming and friendly open-door policy while the U.S. tends to impose stricter policies under its current administration. There is no doubt that more and more people around the world will choose Canada as their new homes.

We are a small firm partnering with seasoned experts in all fields. Whenever there is a need from your immigration aspiration or an issue from your immigration undertaking, we have the answers for you.

If you want to learn about some key players in the Canadian immigration ecosystem, please read this article.

I also suggest you read this article so you can prevent yourself from potential immigration frauds.

You can view our company’s director profile here in MyConsultant.ca.

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English (Canada)